Are you getting a quality nights sleep?

Peter Tripp holds the Guinness world record for the longest time awake.
Record: 201 hours and 10 minutes awake

Peter Tripp embarked on this journey in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record. Tripp began his quest publicly and eventually had to be moved to a hotel room so he could be continually monitored.
The longer Tripp was awake, the more medical assistance he required. Eventually, Tripp’s brain began to shut down.
After 3 days, he developed inappropriate affect- he lost the ability to self regulate his emotions in response to his environment. For example, he would laugh at inappropriate situations. By day 4 Tripp had progressed into a full blown psychosis state of which he never recovered.

Post the experiment Tripp had a lot of conduct problems and lost the ability to control his emotions. He consequently lost his job and marriage due to his permanent psychosis and inability to control and regulate his emotions.

Have you considered if you are getting enough sleep? Is the quality of your sleep sufficient to prepare you for the day ahead and allow your body and brain recover from the previous day?

Most people do not experience enough sleep and if they do, it isn’t good quality.
There are many short term affects of sleep deprivation including:

Impaired attention
Reaction time
Decision making
Motor coordination
Cognitive speed and accuracy

Although there are also some shocking long term affects of continued sleep deprivation:
coronary disease

Lack if sleep has been shown to increase mortality rates. So the next time you decide to miss out on sleep because of work, social media, exercise, social events- consider that you may actually be shaving months, potentially years off of your life.

So what are you doing to improve your sleeping time and quality?

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